Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sometimes I Forget

Sometimes I forget that my daughter is four years old.  Teachers tell me she has delays and functions at a different level.  Evaluations by medical professionals tell me that she is behind in development in relationship to her peers.  ASDM testing puts it in writing the level of her intelligence is based on ages and how she did during this test.  However, in age based on her date of birth, she is four.

She is four and wants to play dress up with jewelry, accessories and headbands. She wants to help me make things. She knows the direction we are headed in the car and if we do not stop at our usual destination, she will let me know from the back seat that she has noticed the difference.  When we stop at the park and remain in the car to enjoy a quick lunch by the water and do not get out, something is not right with that situation. She knows that when we go to the water, we get out and play in the sand. She knows the alphabet and can identify both upper and lower case letters. She can count to twenty by two's (and regular).  She is four years old and she knows.

I want to remember that she is listening to everything I say and watching the things I do. She might not comment back, but she knows...

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